Thursday, February 11, 2016

Some Random Digital Drawings

I'm going to admit these aren't finished... due to a hardware issue. But I wanted to post some things that I have worked on over the past while.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

So I rarely do this anymore, so here's the street paintings I did this year in 1 post (in no particular order):

(finally have a computer again so maybe this will start happening more often!)

Friday, February 24, 2012

A drawing post?

Someone told me to update my blog. So here I am!!! What have I been doing aside from a whole lot of nothing? Actually I'm currently hunting for a home/studio situation. And not up to tonnes of art. Though lately... as in this past week... I've been drawing again. Mostly self portraits but, I can talk more on them later? Gotta scoot...

(posting these in chronological order btw. It takes me a while to get into drawing. Especially myself. It gets easier? kinda? as I move on?)

P.S. my fav are the boots on the table. and maybe the 2nd last one?

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Update about the last little bit

So I know I haven't been doing a very good job about updating this thing... I just thought I'd throw up a few photos from some things that went on over the summer.... 2 shows, 1 in Nova Scotia at Power House Gallery and Studios in Lunenburg, and one at the WKP Kennedy Gallery in North Bay. I actually ended up receiving OAC Funding for both of these!!!!! (although I received notice about the Lunenburg show AFTER it was over... go figure!) I thought I'd throw up a bit THANK YOU!! I actually feel really lucky to be supported like this...

Despite my lack of updating my online stuff, and being kinda hush hush about what's going on in my artistic life, I've actually had a few successes this year that I am really happy with. I also have some work going on in a show Gallery in the Sky tonight in Toronto (although I'm not there for it... the work is there)... I guess the thing is is that I set out this year to do a number of different projects outside of London, and I had way more success with this than I ever thought possible.

Anyway, some pics of questionable quality from said shows, just to give this post some actual content:

In North Bay, Ontario:

In Lunenburg, Nova Scotia: