Sunday, September 16, 2012

So I rarely do this anymore, so here's the street paintings I did this year in 1 post (in no particular order):

(finally have a computer again so maybe this will start happening more often!)

Friday, February 24, 2012

A drawing post?

Someone told me to update my blog. So here I am!!! What have I been doing aside from a whole lot of nothing? Actually I'm currently hunting for a home/studio situation. And not up to tonnes of art. Though lately... as in this past week... I've been drawing again. Mostly self portraits but, I can talk more on them later? Gotta scoot...

(posting these in chronological order btw. It takes me a while to get into drawing. Especially myself. It gets easier? kinda? as I move on?)

P.S. my fav are the boots on the table. and maybe the 2nd last one?