The past few days particularly I've been tucked away more so than usual. Life's been pretty frustrating lately, but I told myself when I started this blog, that I would try and keep the whining to a minimum. That's part of the reason why I haven't been blogging (that and the lack of computer/internet). That's partially because it happened. Or I should say, an update to my last post, building renovations persisted; I was officially advised to move all my stuff.
So the rest of this story from here-on out gets a little confusing, and a little bit frustrating but bare with me...
Two Mondays ago (March 2nd) I got the message that I had 1 week before they were going to officially demolish and re-build 2 walls...
Tuesday I started tearing things apart whenever I had the time between writing grants...
Wednesday I found boxes and facebooked a moving party for Sunday...
Friday I got the news that they wouldn't start Monday; I could move everything next week...
Sunday we moved everything anyway, since I a) had lots of people offering to help, b) most of the packing done, and c) had already promised I'd devote this upcoming weekend to helping my boss write a grant...
So much to do, I made lists and post-its to help me stay on track!
And then Monday I got the most ridiculous news ever...
Apparently they have changed their minds completely, and won't be moving a damn thing until several months from now.
Since Monday I've been hiding. Hiding on the 3rd floor.
Ever since I was a child, drawing has always been the most therapeutic act of all, for me. While I took up actual painting a few years ago, mostly because I was always told when I was younger that paintings were considered more valuable in the art world, drawing will always be my first love and has saved my sanity many, many times.

This work in particular has allowed me to become re-connected with the very essence of what it is that I enjoy about drawing - large, sweeping movements, the feel of the material, and just creating marks.
This is on a 4x8 sheet of plywood, in oil bar and graphite sticks, with some minimal painting to flesh out the under painting. Still thinking about Europa and the most-recent drawings I've been doing, this work is currently very satisfying to produce.

Lucky for me, I am at least surrounded by awesome helpful people who made the process as painless as possible. And as for my studio? I'm not moving a damn thing back into that space until I know for sure they are done with the staircase that caused all this nonsense in the first place.